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Voodoo Child The End Of Everything LP – CD Trophy Records

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Entire City How to be Yourself

Enrico Cesaro, the person behind the alias Mace., is back releasing his brand new work in collaboration with viscm and angoisse. "How to be Yourself” is an ode to the ever-changing, untouchable unfolding of the self and the elusive observation of it. The ensemble of tracks shapes a canvas of individual experiences, family memories and collective uncoscious that suggests - both by blending together and maintaining their own singular character - the hurdle of grasping totality. Unexpected contrasts and social emotional imaginery inputs are present throughout the whole work, depicted with a range of sonorities that goes from progressive electronics to classical, from almost orchestral to noisy shoegaze. In “When We Were Young” the lo-fi, iterated and extra-reverberated melody is blown away by the bitterness of the final distortions, which enter the scene like mithological flashbacks; the inconsistency of the chords in “A Relationship”, instead, mimics a sort of abstract maternal caress, while the scratchy explosions of “A Relationship (end)” add to the already present acts of tenderness, those of violence. Finally we find an electronically processed piano b-side ("Four Hands become Height"), which closes the album with infinite nostalgia and focused determination. "How to be Yourself” is an ode to the ever-changing, elusive and untouchable unfolding of the self which leads to the cyclical and inveterate question: "Have I ever been someone?"
  • How to be Yourself
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