Sam Knee The bag I'm in Book
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Voodoo Child The End Of Everything LP – CD Trophy Records
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Briar Levit Sobre Design, Feminismo e Amizade Bikini Books, Clube Do Livro Do Design -BOOK
Briar Levit On Design, Feminism, and Friendship Bikini Books, Clube Do Livro Do Design -BOOK
Saif Fradj Barcelos Saif Fradj -PHOTO PRINT
Saif Fradj Serralves Saif Fradj -PHOTO PRINT
Saif Fradj Gaia 2022 Saif Fradj -PHOTO PRINT
Ernesto de Souza Coleção de Cartazes Museu Coleção Berardo -BOOK
BESTIÁRIO Monstro Betiário -BOOK
UMBIGO NO.91 (English Edition) Umbigo -MAGAZINE
Leigh Gruwell Making Matters : Craft, Ethics, and New Materialist Rhetorics University Press Of Colorado -BOOK
Gonçalo Duarte Poster 16 -POSTER
Gonçalo Duarte Poster 15 Edições Da Ruína -POSTER
Daniel Lima S/ Título Edições Da Ruína -PRINT
Apolonija Lučić Untitled (Risograph Prints) Self-released -POSTER
Xavier Almeida S/ Título Ed. Autor -POSTER
Apolonija Lučić Untitled (Silkscreen) Self-released -POSTER
Rui Silva Tanto eucalipto/ Tão poucos coalas Gabinete Paratextual -POSTER
Eterno Rude S/ Título Ed. Autor -PRINT
Miguel Carneiro S/ Título Arara -POSTER
Bruno Borges S/ Título Arara -POSTER
Stephanie Loveless A Year of Deep Listening : 365 Text Scores for Pauline Oliveros Terra Nova Press -BOOK
Andre Tavares, Pedro Bandeira Floating Images : Eduardo Souto De Moura's Wall Atlas Lars Muller Publishers -BOOK
Miki Kratsman & Ariella Azoulay The Resolution of the Suspect Radius Books -BOOK
Pedro Pinto Casio Tone: Domicília dos dois lados do espelho a partir do espectáculo de Sílvia Real e Sérgio Pelá Real Pelágio -BOOK
Robida 10: Correspondences Robida -BOOK
João Laia, Joanthan Uliel Saldanha (Eds.) Surface Disorder Ágora – Cultura E Desporto Do Porto, E.m. / Galeria Municipal Do Porto -BOOK
Notebook Issue 6 Mubi -MAGAZINE
Ian Duclos La Fiesta Grumos -FANZINE
John Galliano Would You Like To Take A Walk With Me… Offline? Luncheon Editions -BOOK
Russet Lederman, Olga Yatskevich (Eds.) What They Saw: Historical Photobooks by Women, 1843–1999 10x10 Photobooks -BOOK
Viscose #7 - Scent Viscose Journal -BOOK
ORLAN Strip-Tease: All About My Life All About My Art The Everyday Press -BOOK
Resampled KFAX5 Rudeboys: Mascots from the Early Hardcore Jungle Rave Scene Klasse Wrecks -BOOK
Claes Oldenburg Injun & Other Histories (1960) Primary Information -FANZINE
Luke Stephenson An Incomplete Dictionary of Show Birds, Vol. 2 Stephenson Press -BOOK
Hotshoe Issue 212: Meet the Templetons Hotshoe -MAGAZINE
Olivia Laing, Richard Porter (Eds.) A Garden Manifesto Pilot Press -BOOK
FUKT #22 – The Nature Issue Fukt -MAGAZINE
Russet Lederman, Olga Yatskevich (Eds.) Flashpoint! Protest Photography in Print, 1950-Present 10x10 Photobooks -BOOK
Júlia Barata Família Chili Com Carne -BOOK
João Sousa Cardoso TEATRO ANATÓMICO Centro De Arte De Oliva -BOOK
OUT.FEST 20 Anos de Música Exploratória do Barreiro Out.ra -BOOK
Il Magazine Issue #1: Unpublishing and Publishing Paint It Black -MAGAZINE
Xavier Almeida Uivo II Estrela Decadente -FANZINE
Xavier Almeida Luxação Estrela Decadente -FANZINE
Xavier Almeida CHEAP NATURE Estrela Decadente -BOOK
V/A Portreto de la Animo Centro De Arte De Oliva -BOOK
Gonçalo Duarte Ressaca Monstra Edições Da Ruína -FANZINE
Boaz Levin, C/O Berlin Foundation, Annette Hauschild, Kathrin Kohle, OSTKREUZ (Eds.) Dream on - Berlin, the 90s C/o Berlin Foundation, Spector Books -BOOK
Morad Montazami, Madeleine de Colnet, Esther Schlicht (Eds.) Casablanca Art School : A Postcolonial Avant-Garde 1962–1987 Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Spector Books -BOOK
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Victoria Aresheva, Clothilde Morette (Eds.) Science/Fiction: A Non-History of Plants Spector Books -BOOK
Richard Saxton, Margo Handwerker, M12 Studio (Eds.) Landlines San Luis Valley: Journey into the American West M12 Studio, Spector Books -BOOK
Amancio Williams AP205: Readings of the Archive by Studio Muoto, Claudia Shmidt, and Pezo von Ellrichshausen Spector Books, Canadian Centre For Architecture -BOOK
ARCH+ The Business of Architecture Spector Books -BOOK
Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan Schuppli CRA #1: Border Environments Spector Books, Cra Press -BOOK
V/A Dear Imaginary Audience Spector Books -BOOK
Andréas Lang A Phantom Geography Spector Books -BOOK
Friedrich Tietjen (Ed.) "...someone always had a camera..." :Private Photography in East Germany, 1980–2000 Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Real Life Brussels: Transforming and Renovating Aging Social Housing Spector Books -BOOK
Alexander Kluge The Dragonfly’s Eye: My Virtual Camera (AI) Spector Books -BOOK
Daniel Muzyczuk, Karol Hordziej Zygmunt Rytka: Stones, Ants, and Television Photographic Works 1971–2010 Spector Books -BOOK
Akinbode Akinbiyi Being, Seeing, Wandering Spector Books -BOOK
The Funambulist #57 The Night The Funambulist -MAGAZINE
Joana Gama Pássaros e Cogumelos Flâneur -BOOK
Catherine Wood, Fiontan Moran Mike Kelley: Ghost and Spirit Tate -BOOK
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Petra Schmidt, Evelyn Steiner, Sara Zeller Design for All? Inclusive Design Today Spector Books -BOOK
E. De Donno; A. Martegani (Eds.) Construction of the Universe - Artists' Magazines and Publications After Marcel Duchamp Ambookstore+viaindustriae -BOOK
Cecilia Casabona, Ginevra Petrozzi (Eds.) Death Design Data Onomatopee -BOOK
Marjolein van der Loo (Ed.) A Tree, A Reader on Arboreal Kinship Onomatopee -BOOK
Sally Grainger Roman Recipes for Modern Cooks Apartamento -BOOK
Belmond PENANG: Recipes & Wanderings Around an Island in Malaysia Apartamento -BOOK
Tanya E. Clement Dissonant Records : Close Listening to Literary Archives Mit Press -BOOK
Alex Coles Fusion - From Alice Coltrane to Moor Mother Sternberg Press -BOOK
Sascha Bauer The Joinery Compendium. Learning from Traditional Woodworking Architecture -BOOK
Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal It’s Nice Today: On Climate, Comfort, and Pleasure Ruby Press -BOOK
Tamara Hartman, Ans Sarianamual, Mirelle van Tulder, Tabea Nixdorff Archival Textures - Republishing: Umoja Zwarte Vrouwenkrant Archival Textures -BOOK
Tatu Gustafsson I on the Road / Weather Camera Self-Portraits, 2012-2021 Fw: Books -BOOK
See All This 36: To be a Pilgrim - Guest curated by poet David Whyte See All This -BOOK
Melani De Luca Steve: A Framework for AI and Identity Design Set Margins -BOOK
Ian Lynam Fracture – Japanese Graphic Design 1875–1975 Set Margins -BOOK
Patrícia Coelho Curating Ecologies on Architecture Dpr-barcelona -BOOK
The New Era Magazine 5 Arvinius + Orfeus Publishing -MAGAZINE
Silvio Lorusso Entreprecariat - Everyone Is An Entrepreneur Nobody Is Safe Onomatopee -BOOK
Melissa Bremmer, Emiel Heijnen, Folkert Haanstra Wicked Arts Education: Designing Creative Programmes Valiz -BOOK ALGOFFSHORE - The Art of Automating Tax Evasion Set Margins -BOOK
Callum Copley (Ed.) Reworlding Ramallah: Short Science Fiction Stories from Palestine Onomatopee -BOOK
NUNO MIGUEL BORGES Mercado do Bolhão Nmb -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 13 – Bernardo Marques Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 12 – Toni Grilo Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 11 – Ana Salazar Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 10 – Francisco Providência Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 09 – João Nunes Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 08 – José Albergaria Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 07 – Jorge Silva Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 06 – Pedro Silva Dias Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 05 – José Brandão Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 04 – João Abel Manta Esad Idea -BOOK
Designers Portugueses 03 – Sebastião Rodrigues Esad Idea -BOOK
Joanna Ebenstein Frederik Ruysch and His Thesaurus Anatomicus Mit Press -BOOK
Victor Petrov Balkan Cyberia : Cold War Computing, Bulgarian Modernization, and the Information Age behind the Iro Mit Press -BOOK
Yasufumi Nakamori (Ed.) Liz Johnson Artur Tate -BOOK
Elsa Dorlin Self-Defense: A Philosophy of Violence Verso -BOOK
e-flux index #04 E-flux -BOOK
Julien Rousseau, Hélène Kessous (Ed.) Bollywood Superstars – A Short Story of Indian Cinema Kaph Books -BOOK
Fouad Elkoury Cinema Cairo Palace Kaph Books -BOOK
Camille Richert, Hackney Flashers Parents Must Unite + Fight – Hackney Flashers: Agitprop, Labor and Socialist Feminism in England Tombolo Presses -BOOK
V/A Protext! (2 volumes) Nero -BOOK
Anthony Downey (Ed.) Trevor Plagen: Adversarially Evolved Hallucinations Sternberg Press -BOOK
e-flux Wonderflux – A Decade of e-flux Journal Sternberg Press -BOOK
Charlotte Birnbaum Bon! Bon! – On the Charms of Sweet Cuisine Sternberg Press -BOOK
Charlotte Birnbaum, Gilbert & George The Meal – A Conversation with Gilbert & George Sternberg Press -BOOK
Claire Le Restif, Clément Dirié, Laetitia Chauvin (Eds.) Derek Jarman Jrp Editions -BOOK
General Idea General Idea Jrp Editions -BOOK
Mousse #89 Mousse -MAGAZINE
Faire #46: To look at things – A calculated approach: Norm's unreasonable reasonableness Revue Faire -MAGAZINE
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