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Boaz Levin, C/O Berlin Foundation, Annette Hauschild, Kathrin Kohle, OSTKREUZ (Eds.) Dream on - Berlin, the 90s C/o Berlin Foundation, Spector Books -BOOK
Morad Montazami, Madeleine de Colnet, Esther Schlicht (Eds.) Casablanca Art School : A Postcolonial Avant-Garde 1962–1987 Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Spector Books -BOOK
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Victoria Aresheva, Clothilde Morette (Eds.) Science/Fiction: A Non-History of Plants Spector Books -BOOK
Richard Saxton, Margo Handwerker, M12 Studio (Eds.) Landlines San Luis Valley: Journey into the American West M12 Studio, Spector Books -BOOK
Amancio Williams AP205: Readings of the Archive by Studio Muoto, Claudia Shmidt, and Pezo von Ellrichshausen Spector Books, Canadian Centre For Architecture -BOOK
ARCH+ The Business of Architecture Spector Books -BOOK
Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan Schuppli CRA #1: Border Environments Spector Books, Cra Press -BOOK
V/A Dear Imaginary Audience Spector Books -BOOK
Andréas Lang A Phantom Geography Spector Books -BOOK
Friedrich Tietjen (Ed.) "...someone always had a camera..." :Private Photography in East Germany, 1980–2000 Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Real Life Brussels: Transforming and Renovating Aging Social Housing Spector Books -BOOK
Alexander Kluge The Dragonfly’s Eye: My Virtual Camera (AI) Spector Books -BOOK
Daniel Muzyczuk, Karol Hordziej Zygmunt Rytka: Stones, Ants, and Television Photographic Works 1971–2010 Spector Books -BOOK
Akinbode Akinbiyi Being, Seeing, Wandering Spector Books -BOOK
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Petra Schmidt, Evelyn Steiner, Sara Zeller Design for All? Inclusive Design Today Spector Books -BOOK
Ellie Buttrose & Grace Lucas-Pennington Archie Moore: kith and kin Spector Books -BOOK
Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival and Susan Schuppli CRA #2: Militant Media Spector Books, Cra Press -BOOK
Sophie Haslinger & KunstHaus Wien Into the Woods Spector Books -BOOK
Archiv der Avantgarden Archive of Dreams Spector Books -BOOK
Adrian Villár Rojas The End of Imagination Spector Books -BOOK
Anne Koenig, Jan Wenzel The End of the World As We Know It - F/Stop Festival for Photography Leipzig 2016 Spector Books -BOOK
ARCH+ The Great Repair: A Catalog of Practices Spector Books -MAGAZINE
Paul B. Preciado Lorenza Böttner. Requiem für die Norm / Requiem for the Norm / Rèquiem per la norm Spector Books -BOOK
Michalis Pichler Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (Sculpture) Spector Books -BOOK
Andrzej Steinbach Models and Protocols Spector Books -BOOK
Nikolaus Hirsch Style Congo: Heritage & Heresy Spector Books -BOOK
Julian Irlinger Props Spector Books -BOOK
Inka Schube/Heinrich Riebesehl/Sprengel Museum Hannover People in the Elevator 5 Stunden und 35 Minuten mit der Kamera im Fahrstuhl eines Verlagshauses, 20. Spector Books -BOOK
Yoshihiro Suzuki Eastbeats. Osaka 1964 – 1970 Spector Books -BOOK
Sarah Johanna Theurer Pan Daijing Spector Books -BOOK
GfZK Leipzig/Andreas Fogarasi/Franciska Zólyom/Sabine Schaschl Vasarely Go Home Spector Books -BOOK
Lukas Feireiss/Florian Hadler Weak Signals - New Narratives in Art and Technology Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Handle with Care: Unpacking a Bulky Table Spector Books -BOOK
Column Issue 2 - A Nocturnal History of Architecture Spector Books -BOOK
Laura Bielau TEST Spector Books -BOOK
Marge Monko/Thomas Seelig Diamonds against Stones Spector Books -BOOK
Roland Krischke/Lindenau-Museums Altenburg Asta Gröting: Das Wesen von X Spector Books -BOOK
V/A The New Designer – Design as a profession Schools of Departure No. 2 Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Decolonising Design Education Schools of Departure No. 1 Spector Books -BOOK
DNA #25 The New Institution. Institutions as Practice Spector Books -MAGAZINE
DNA #24 Evidence Ensembles Spector Books -MAGAZINE
DNA #23 Talkback Circuits: New Alphabets at School Spector Books -MAGAZINE
DNA #22 New Alphabet School Spector Books -MAGAZINE
DNA #21 Sound – Space – Sense Spector Books -MAGAZINE
Lara Baladi/Irene Chabr/Lynn Hershmann Leeson/Thomas Hirschhorn/Randa Maroufi/Rabih Mroué/Thomas Ruff/D. H. Saur/Arthena Affect Me Social Media Images in Art. KAI 10 Spector Books -BOOK
Thomas Seelig/Olivia Baeriswyl/Doris Gassert/Pierre Hourquet/Anna Planas The Hobbyist Spector Books -BOOK
Bruther Shelf Spector Books -BOOK
Raqs Media Collective Hungry for Time Spector Books -BOOK
Michalis Pichler Coup de dés (Collection) Books and Ideas after Mallarmé Spector Books -BOOK
Sebastian Riemer Press Paintings Spector Books -BOOK
David Bergé Bialetti: A catalogue Spector Books -BOOK
Edition Bauhaus 38 - Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau/Christian Hiller/Stephan Müller Human – Space – Machine Stage experiments at the Bauhaus Spector Books -BOOK
Aladin Borioli Bannkörbe C/O Berlin Talent Award 2023 Veronika Epple/C/O Berlin Foundation Spector Books -BOOK
Marija Marić/ Francelle Cane Staging the Moon Resource Extraction Beyond Earth Spector Books -BOOK
ARCH+ The Great Repair: Politics for a Society of Repair Spector Books -BOOK
ARCH+ Contemporary Feminist Spatial Practices Spector Books -BOOK
ARCH+ Open for Maintenance Spector Books -BOOK
Karolina Wojtas Abzgram Spector Books -BOOK
Peter Weibel (Ed.) BioMedia: The Age of Media with Life-like Behavior Zkm Karlsruhe, Spector Books -BOOK
Werker 2 A Gestural History of the Young Worker Spector Books -BOOK
Veronika Kellndorfer Wild Windows Spector Books -BOOK
Eva Berendes Façades Spector Books -BOOK
Simon Güntner/ Juma Hauser/ Judith M. Lehner/ Christoph Reinprecht The Social Dimension of Social Housing Spector Books -BOOK
Boy Vereecken Back Matter Spector Books -BOOK
Christopher Dell Dialogue Concerts Spector Books -BOOK
Elina Birkehag D for Daughter Spector Books -BOOK
Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau/Regina Bittner Doors of Learning [en] - Microcosmos of a Future South Africa. Spector Books -BOOK
Sylvia Sasse/Kata Krasznahorkai Artists & Agents [en] Spector Books -BOOK
Nam June Paik / Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U / Rudolf Frieling I Expose the Music [en] Spector Books -BOOK
Kathrin Becker/Ingrid Wagner/Michaela Melián Red Threads [en] Spector Books -BOOK
Hans D. Christ, Iris Dressler 50 Years After 50 Years of the Bauhaus Spector Books -BOOK
Peggy Buth Vom nutzen der Angst/The Politics of Selection Spector Books -BOOK
Ursula Biemann Forest Mind – On the Interconnection of All Life Spector Books -BOOK
Haubitz + Zoche Hybrid Modernism: Movie Theatres in South India Spector Books -BOOK
Terry Fox The Eye is not the Only Glass that Burns the Mind Spector Books -BOOK
Katharina Müller, Claus Philipp Picturing Austrian Cinema: 99 Films/100 Comments Spector Books -BOOK
Léo Favier What, you don’t know Grapus? Spector Books -BOOK
Olaf Nicolai, Jan Wenzel Labyrinth – Four times through the labyrinth Spector Books -BOOK
Josef Koudelka IKONAR - Archival Constellations Spector Books -BOOK
Rob van Leijsen The Drone Chronicles 2001-2016 Spector Books -BOOK
V/A In Reserve: The Household! Historic Models and Contemporary Positions from the Bauhaus, Edition Bauh Spector Books -BOOK
Werner Amann Kein Morgen Spector Books -BOOK
Barbara Rubin, Jonas Mekas The Legend of Barbara Rubin Film Culture 80 Spector Books -BOOK
Susanne Kriemann Ge(ssenwiese), K(anigsberg) - Library for Radioactive Afterlife Spector Books -BOOK
Jonas Mekas I had nowhere to go Spector Books -BOOK
Alina Schmuch Script of Demolition Spector Books -BOOK
Jonas Mekas Requiem for a Manual Typewriter Spector Books -BOOK
Arthur Zalewski Somebody’s Got to Do It Spector Books -BOOK
Amie Siegel Love Letters Spector Books -BOOK
Cordula Ditz I don't need a cloak to become invisible Spector Books -BOOK
Column Issue 1- Intimacy exposed: Toilet, Bathroom, Restroom Spector Books -BOOK
André Gelpke Sex-Theater Spector Books -BOOK
Anselm Franke, Elisa Giuliano, Denise Ryner, Claire Tancons, Zairong Xiang Ceremony (Burial Of An Undead World) Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Mining Photography - The Ecological Footprint of Image Production [en] Spector Books -BOOK
Elisabeth Smolarz Encyclopedia of Things Spector Books -BOOK
Christof Nüssli Christoph Oeschger Miklós Klaus Rózsa Spector Books -BOOK
Mathis Pfäffli Tracer Spector Books -BOOK
Sarai Meyron No Words of Warmth Spector Books -BOOK
Johannes Odenthal Ismael Ivo. I Believe in the Body Spector Books -BOOK
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation Taschenbuch 25 - Vegetation under Power Heat! Breath! Growth! Spector Books -BOOK
Eva Berendes Window Shopping Spector Books -BOOK
Michael Riedel Abstract Volume 1 (2oo4–2o11) Spector Books -BOOK
Aleix Plademunt Matter Spector Books -BOOK
Inger Christensen / Lu Chi SERI(a) 2: Silk is a Noun Spector Books -BOOK
Olaf Nicolai / Giovanna Silva / Nino Tchatchkhiani SERI(a) 1: The Silk Museum Spector Books -BOOK
Bernd Kniess / Christopher Dell / Dominique Peck Tom Paints the Fence Spector Books -BOOK
Anna Haifisch Chez Schnabel Spector Books -BOOK
Michalis Pichler Thirteen Years Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Making Futures Spector Books -BOOK
Julia Fabry / Dominique Bluher La Troisième Vie d’Agnès Varda / The Third Life of Agnès Varda Spector Books -BOOK
DNA #11 - What is Life? Spector Books -MAGAZINE
DNA #13 - Artificial Music Spector Books -MAGAZINE
V/A Encuentro Chiapas 1996 Spector Books -BOOK
Oliver Hartung Iran / A Picture Book Spector Books -BOOK
Adji Dieye Culture Lost and Learned by Heart Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Songs of the Sky — Photography & the Cloud Spector Books -BOOK
Harry Hachmeister Harry Spector Books -BOOK
Markus Draper More than a story Spector Books -BOOK
Nana Bahlmann, Ann Cotten, Felicitas Hoppe, Monika Rinck, Antje Rávik Strubel, Yoko Tawada, Senthuran Varatharajah All the lonely people Spector Books -BOOK
Nana Bahlmann, Ann Cotten, Felicitas Hoppe, Monika Rinck, Antje Rávik Strubel, Yoko Tawada, Senthuran Varatharajah All the lonely people [booklet] Spector Books -BOOK
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