Sam Knee The bag I'm in Book
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Voodoo Child The End Of Everything LP – CD Trophy Records
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Science of the Secondary 16: Book Atelier Hoko -BOOK
p. feijó Episódios de Fantasia & Violência Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Françoise Vergès Decolonizar o Museu: Programa de Desordem Absoluta Orfeu Negro -BOOK
Jacques Rancière As Viagens da Arte Orfeu Negro -BOOK
John Berger Porquê Olhar os Animais? AntÃgona -BOOK
John Berger Fotocópias AntÃgona -BOOK
Norman G. Finkelstein A Indústria do Holocausto AntÃgona -BOOK
Frédéric Gros Caminhar, Uma Filosofia AntÃgona -BOOK
Elsa Dorlin Autodefesa: Uma Filosofia da Violência AntÃgona -BOOK
Angela Davis A Liberdade É Uma Luta Constante AntÃgona -BOOK
Achille Mbembe A Comunidade Terrestre AntÃgona -BOOK
HANNAH ARENDT / GIORGIO AGAMBEN Nós, Refugiados / Para Lá dos Direitos do Homem AntÃgona -BOOK
Leonie Brandner Three Becomes Two Becomes One Becomes None - cosmopoiesis of mandragoras Onomatopee -BOOK
Goldwin 0 Enquiry #4 Inotherwords -BOOK
Goldwin 0 Collective Study, Enquiry #5 Inotherwords -BOOK
V/A softspot: a container for the near and close Inotherwords -BOOK
Johanna Agerman Ross Design Stories – New Perspectives on a Collection Arvinius + Orfeus Publishing -BOOK
N. Abdullah; C. Lee; X. Li eds. Through witnessing. Threading the critiquing, making, teaching of design Set Margins' -BOOK
Jeff Khonsary ed. Lucy R. Lippard - Headwaters And Other Short Fictions New Documents -BOOK
Notebook Issue 6 Mubi -MAGAZINE
Il Magazine Issue #1: Unpublishing and Publishing Paint It Black -MAGAZINE
Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan Schuppli CRA #1: Border Environments Spector Books, Cra Press -BOOK
Alexander Kluge The Dragonfly’s Eye: My Virtual Camera (AI) Spector Books -BOOK
The Funambulist #57 The Night The Funambulist -MAGAZINE
Cecilia Casabona, Ginevra Petrozzi (Eds.) Death Design Data Onomatopee -BOOK
Marjolein van der Loo (Ed.) A Tree, A Reader on Arboreal Kinship Onomatopee -BOOK ALGOFFSHORE - The Art of Automating Tax Evasion Set Margins -BOOK
Victor Petrov Balkan Cyberia : Cold War Computing, Bulgarian Modernization, and the Information Age behind the Iro Mit Press -BOOK
Ursula K. Le Guin Steering the Craft Silver Press -BOOK
Andre Tavares Architecture Follows Fish : An Amphibious History of the North Atlantic Mit Press -BOOK
Kelly Filreis, Alexis Bard Johnson Sci-Fi, Magick, Queer L.A.: Sexual Science and the Imagi-nation Inventory Press Llc -BOOK
Angie Waller Sorry AI Took Your Job: Dialogues About Jobs Being Replaced by AI Written by AI Unknown Unknowns -BOOK
Alice Rawsthorn , Paola Antonelli Design Emergency : Building a Better Future Phaidon -BOOK
Justin Barton, Steve Goodman Sonic Faction : Audio Essay as Medium and Method Urbanomic Media Ltd -BOOK
V/A You Spin Me Round : Essays on Music Paper Visual Art Journal -BOOK
Rainer Werner Fassbinder The Anarchy of the Imagination : Interviews, Essays, Notes Johns Hopkins University Press -BOOK
Joe Boyd And the Roots of Rhythm Remain : A Journey Through Global Music Faber & Faber -BOOK
Alfredo Thiermann Riesco Radio-Activities : Architecture and Broadcasting in Cold War Berlin Mit Press -BOOK
The Funambulist #56 BULLDOZER POLITICS The Funambulist -MAGAZINE
Ingrid Caven I Am a Fiction Fireflies Press -BOOK
M. Rasch; H. Staal; J. Gijsen Hands on research for artists, designers & educators Set Margins' -BOOK
Victor Burgin Returning to Benjamin Mack Books -BOOK
Skye Arundhati Thomas & Izabella Scott Pleasure Gardens: Blackouts and the Logic of Crisis in Kashmir Mack Books -BOOK
Sally Stein Migrant Mother, Migrant Gender Mack Books -BOOK
Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa Dark Mirrors Mack Books -BOOK
Allan Sekula Photography Against the Grain: Essays and Photo Works, 1973–1983 Mack Books -BOOK
Kim Beil Anonymous Objects: Inscrutable Photographs and the Unknown Spbh Editions -BOOK
Prof.M.Keith Booker , Prof.Isra Daraiseh Consumerist Orientalism : The Convergence of Arab and American Popular Culture in the Age of Global Bloomsbury Publishing Plc -BOOK
Dalal Musaed Alsayer, Ricardo Camacho, Sara Soares Pan-Arab Modernism 1968-2018 : The History of Architectural Practice in The Middle East Actar Publishers -BOOK
Graham Crist , John Doyle Supertight : Models for Living and Making Culture in Dense Urban Environments Actar Publishers -BOOK
Mariano Chavez Painters Mask Nyege Nyege Tapes -BOOK
Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Penguin Books -BOOK
Freek Lomme Care where no-one does - A grassroots style guide to progressive cultural production Set Margins -BOOK
Ismail Einashe , Thomas Roueche (Eds.) Lost in Media: Migrant Perspectives and the Public Sphere Valiz -BOOK
Yoko Ono Everything in the Universe is Unfinished Jrp Editions -BOOK
BOM Magazine Ballet of the masses – On Football and Cartharsis Archive Books -BOOK
VÃctor Aguado, Ramón del Buey, Brandon LaBelle (Eds.) Party Studies – Vol. 2 – Underground clubs, parallel structures and second cultures Errant Bodies -BOOK
Wesley Brown Blue in Green (paperback) Blank Forms -BOOK
Seasonal Neighbours Rural Relations Onomatopee -BOOK
Bruno Munari Square, Circle, Triangle Princeton Architectural Press -BOOK
Ruben Pater The Politics of Design : A (Not So) Global Design Manual for Visual Communication Bis Publishers B.v. -BOOK
Ariella Aisha Azoulay Civil Imagination : A Political Ontology of Photography Verso Books -BOOK
Kathrin Dreckmann, Linnea Semmerling, Elfi Vomberg Fringe of the Fringe : Queering Punk Media History Hatje Cantz -BOOK
Stephanie Haerdle, Elisabeth Lauffer Juice : A History of Female Ejaculation Mit Press -BOOK
Inland Journal O Livro 2015 – 2023 Inland Journal -BOOK
Sofia Lemos, TBA21, eds Meandering - Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics Sternberg Press -BOOK
Pedro Barateiro How to Make a Mask Sternberg Press -BOOK
Janwillem Schrofer Plan and Play, Play and Plan - Defining Your Art Practice Valiz -BOOK
Jean Copans Robert Linhart - The Sugar and the Hunger Rab-rab Press -BOOK
The Funambulist #54 COLONIAL CONTINUUMS The Funambulist -MAGAZINE
George Brecht Chance-Imagery A Great Bear Pamphlet -FANZINE
Robert Filliou A Filliou Sampler A Great Bear Pamphlet -FANZINE
Seth Siegelaub Prefaces to Communication and Class Struggle Volumes 1 and 2 Other Forms -BOOK
Organizing Power Volume 2 Organizing Power -FANZINE
Paul O'Neill Not Going it Alone: Collective Curatorial Curating Apexart -BOOK
Ellie Buttrose & Grace Lucas-Pennington Archie Moore: kith and kin Spector Books -BOOK
Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival and Susan Schuppli CRA #2: Militant Media Spector Books, Cra Press -BOOK
Sophie Haslinger & KunstHaus Wien Into the Woods Spector Books -BOOK
Archiv der Avantgarden Archive of Dreams Spector Books -BOOK
AnnaMaria Pinaka Porno-graphing Onomatopee -FANZINE
Dahlia El Broul, Ksenia Kaverina, and Jussi Koitela Falling In: Movement and Becoming in Curatorial Research Mousse Publishing -BOOK
Andrea Cetrulo & Marta Michalowska Interior Realms Theatrum Mundi -BOOK
Ravikumar Kashi Flexing Muscles Reliable Copy -BOOK
Bianca Felicori Forgotten Architecture – An Archive of Overshadowed Projects Nero -BOOK
Marco Baravalle, Emanuele Braga, Gabriella Riccio, Federica Timeto Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto) Bruno -BOOK
Gabriela Vaz-Pinheiro Curadoria do Local Artinsite -BOOK
Gabriela Vaz Pinheiro Arqueologia do urbano : abordagens e práticas Gabriela Vaz Pinheiro Ed. -BOOK
V/A O Ser Urbano no Caminho de Nuno Portas Incm – Imprensa Nacional Casa Da Moeda -BOOK
Ernst van Alphen, Mieke Bal The Architecture of Loneliness Reflections on Displacement and Welcoming Valiz -BOOK
Joke Robaard Pockets, Files, Folders, Suits Valiz -BOOK
Simon Reynolds Futuromania : Electronic Dreams, Desiring Machines and Tomorrow’s Music Today White Rabbit -BOOK
Anthony Dunne, Fiona Raby Speculative Everything : Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming Mit Press -BOOK
Klaus Pichler Fear Guards the Lemon Grove Fw: Books -BOOK
Fertile Future Volume II Architectural Affairs -BOOK
Fertile Futures Volume I Architectural Affairs -BOOK
Kent Klich Gaza Works Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walther Konig -BOOK
Kyklada Urban Lament - Collective Expressions of Pain, Rage, and Affection Kyklada -BOOK
Ulrich Jesse Baer Acheiropoieta: The Vampire Atlas -BOOK
Christopher Rey Pérez Future Tourism Atlas -BOOK
Biswamit Dwibedy Film of Dust Atlas -BOOK
Jornal Punkto Inverno 2024 • Acredita na democracia? Jornal Punkto -FANZINE
Leonorana No 7 We Care a Lot Leonorana -MAGAZINE
Charlie Engman Hello Chaos, a Love Story: The Disorder of Seeing and Being Seen Spbh Editions -BOOK
Ian Lynam War with Myself Essays on Design, Culture & Violence Set Margins -BOOK
Bobby Seale Power to the People: The World of the Black Panthers Abrams -BOOK
GfZK Leipzig/Andreas Fogarasi/Franciska Zólyom/Sabine Schaschl Vasarely Go Home Spector Books -BOOK
Lukas Feireiss/Florian Hadler Weak Signals - New Narratives in Art and Technology Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Handle with Care: Unpacking a Bulky Table Spector Books -BOOK
Roland Krischke/Lindenau-Museums Altenburg Asta Gröting: Das Wesen von X Spector Books -BOOK
V/A The New Designer – Design as a profession Schools of Departure No. 2 Spector Books -BOOK
V/A Decolonising Design Education Schools of Departure No. 1 Spector Books -BOOK
DNA #25 The New Institution. Institutions as Practice Spector Books -MAGAZINE
DNA #24 Evidence Ensembles Spector Books -MAGAZINE
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