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Leigh Gruwell Making Matters : Craft, Ethics, and New Materialist Rhetorics University Press Of Colorado -BOOK
Olivia Laing, Richard Porter (Eds.) A Garden Manifesto Pilot Press -BOOK
Russet Lederman, Olga Yatskevich (Eds.) Flashpoint! Protest Photography in Print, 1950-Present 10x10 Photobooks -BOOK
Boaz Levin, C/O Berlin Foundation, Annette Hauschild, Kathrin Kohle, OSTKREUZ (Eds.) Dream on - Berlin, the 90s C/o Berlin Foundation, Spector Books -BOOK
Morad Montazami, Madeleine de Colnet, Esther Schlicht (Eds.) Casablanca Art School : A Postcolonial Avant-Garde 1962–1987 Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Spector Books -BOOK
Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan Schuppli CRA #1: Border Environments Spector Books, Cra Press -BOOK
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Petra Schmidt, Evelyn Steiner, Sara Zeller Design for All? Inclusive Design Today Spector Books -BOOK
Tamara Hartman, Ans Sarianamual, Mirelle van Tulder, Tabea Nixdorff Archival Textures - Republishing: Umoja Zwarte Vrouwenkrant Archival Textures -BOOK
PatrÃcia Coelho Curating Ecologies on Architecture Dpr-barcelona -BOOK
Silvio Lorusso Entreprecariat - Everyone Is An Entrepreneur Nobody Is Safe Onomatopee -BOOK ALGOFFSHORE - The Art of Automating Tax Evasion Set Margins -BOOK
Elsa Dorlin Self-Defense: A Philosophy of Violence Verso -BOOK
Camille Richert, Hackney Flashers Parents Must Unite + Fight – Hackney Flashers: Agitprop, Labor and Socialist Feminism in England Tombolo Presses -BOOK
V/A Protext! (2 volumes) Nero -BOOK
Anthony Downey (Ed.) Trevor Plagen: Adversarially Evolved Hallucinations Sternberg Press -BOOK
Francisco Keil do Amaral Sobre a Ganância, o Amor e Outros Materiais de Construção Estúdio, Lisboa -BOOK
Leticia Costelha Sobre Brincadeiras de Infância Ed. Autor -BOOK
Maxitype Cornbread the Legend Maxitype -BOOK
Jewish Currents Winter 2024: After October 7 Jewish Currents -MAGAZINE
Matt Smith The Tories Are The Real Criminals Velocity Press -BOOK
Wren Awry, Cindy Milstein Nourishing Resistance : Stories of Food, Protest and Mutual Aid Pm Press -BOOK
Daniel Chatard Niemandsland The Eriskay Connection -BOOK
Department of Speculative Facts Speculative Facts Onomatopee -BOOK
Rachel Dedman Stitching the Intifada: Embroidery and Resistance in Palestine Common Threads Press -BOOK
Sharbreon Plummer Diasporic Threads - Black Women, Fibre & Textiles Common Threads Press -BOOK
Gill Crawshaw Rights Not Charity - Protest Textiles and Disability Activism Common Threads Press -BOOK
Common Threads Norfolk Trans Joy Community Quilt Zine Common Threads Press -BOOK
Isabella Rosner Stitching Freedom - Embroidery and Incarceration Common Threads Press -BOOK
Richard Sennett Democracy and Urban Form Sternberg Press -BOOK
Skye Arundhati Thomas & Izabella Scott Pleasure Gardens: Blackouts and the Logic of Crisis in Kashmir Mack Books -BOOK
Melani McAlister Promises, Then the Storm: Notes on Memory, Protest, and the Israel–Gaza War Mack Books -BOOK
Raymond Pettibon Here's Your Irony Back: Political Works 1975-2013 Hatje Cantz -BOOK
Sunil Gupta Come Out: Protest & Pride 1985-1995 Stanley/barker -BOOK
Beatrice Lampariello, Andrea Anselmo, Boris Hamzeian (Eds.) UFO, Unidentified Flying Object for Contemporary Architecture Actar Publishers -BOOK
Annika Hansteen-Izora Tenderness: A Black Queer Meditation on Softness and Rage Co-conspirator Press -BOOK
Linda Simpson The My Comrade Anthology Boo-hooray -BOOK
Pio Abad Fear of Freedom Makes Us See Ghosts Hato Press -BOOK
Rehab Nazzal Driving in Palestine Fernwood Publishing -BOOK
Adbusters AB 169 (NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2023 VOLUME 31 NUMBER 5) Adbusters -MAGAZINE
Amani Willett A Parallel Road Public Knowledge Books -BOOK
BLACK LODGE A Garden by the Sea Black Lodge Press -FANZINE
R. Cannon Griffin #PoliticianEyes ( Let ME Help you Lead you ) Nyege Nyege Tapes -BOOK
Interference Archive Defend / Defund : A Visual History of Organizing Against the Police Common Notions -BOOK
William Powell The Anarchist Cookbook Snowball Publishing -BOOK
Michelle Millar Fisher, Amber Winick Designing Motherhood : Things that Make and Break Our Births Mit Press -BOOK
Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Penguin Books -BOOK
Freek Lomme Care where no-one does - A grassroots style guide to progressive cultural production Set Margins -BOOK
Ismail Einashe , Thomas Roueche (Eds.) Lost in Media: Migrant Perspectives and the Public Sphere Valiz -BOOK
Jolanthe Kugler, Anniina Koivu (Eds.) We Will Survive – The prepper movement Mudac (lausanne's Museum Of Contemporary Design And Applied Arts) -BOOK
V.A. Museums at the Ecological Turn Nero -BOOK
Natascha Sadr Haghighian What I Do Not Recognize Yet, Now at This Very Moment / Was ich noch nicht erkenne, jetzt in diesem M Harun Farocki Institut -BOOK
Ultra-red A Journal of Militant Sound Inquiry – Vol. 1 – Naming the Moment Rab Rab Press -BOOK
N. Brenez, J. Larcher, A. Paistik, S. Siku (Eds.) Film X Autochthonous Struggles Today Sternberg Press -BOOK
Ben Collier Tor : From the Dark Web to the Future of Privacy Mit Press -BOOK
Joanna Merwood-Salisbury Barbarian Architecture : Thorstein Veblen’s Chicago Mit Press -BOOK
Jennifer E. Gaddis, Sarah A. Robert Transforming School Food Politics around the World Mit Press -BOOK
Ruben Pater The Politics of Design : A (Not So) Global Design Manual for Visual Communication Bis Publishers B.v. -BOOK
Ariella Aisha Azoulay Civil Imagination : A Political Ontology of Photography Verso Books -BOOK
Salman Khan Brave New Words : How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That’s a Good Thing) Penguin Books -BOOK
Seth Siegelaub Prefaces to Communication and Class Struggle Volumes 1 and 2 Other Forms -BOOK
V/A Miscellaneous Insurrectionary Macroinstructions Other Forms -FANZINE
Jack Henrie Fisher Class is formed through the language of class struggle and it, it through struggle, the possibility Other Forms -BOOK
Counter-Signals 5 - Systems and their Discontents Other Forms -BOOK
Jessalyn Aaland A Brief and Inconclusive History of Protests on San Francisco's Market Street Current Editions Ns -FANZINE
Organizing Power Volume 2 Organizing Power -FANZINE
Black Lodge Teeth Become Weapons - a zine inspired by the words and art of David Wojnarowicz Black Lodge Press -FANZINE
The Placeholder Issue 8 - Current Obsession Chapter III The Placeholder -BOOK
Nansen Issue 03: MUZHGAN SAMARQANDI: The Reed Flute’s Friend Nansen -MAGAZINE
Adbusters Manifesto for World Revolution Adbusters -BOOK
Lydia Hauth RESIST! : The art of resistance Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walther Konig -BOOK
Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival and Susan Schuppli CRA #2: Militant Media Spector Books, Cra Press -BOOK
ETC. MAGAZINE Nº 03 - Selling Out Etc. Magazine -BOOK
Sonic Urbanism The Political Voice Theatrum Mundi -MAGAZINE
Ravikumar Kashi Flexing Muscles Reliable Copy -BOOK
Spike #79 - The Pessimist Issue Spike -MAGAZINE
Simon Reynolds Futuromania : Electronic Dreams, Desiring Machines and Tomorrow’s Music Today White Rabbit -BOOK
Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink Made in China, Designed in California, Criticised in Europe : Design Manifesto Bis Publishers B.v. -BOOK
Cecilia Vicuña Saborami Book Works -BOOK
Pascal Bianchini, Ndongo Samba Sylla, Leo Zeilig Revolutionary Movements in Africa : An Untold Story Pluto Press -BOOK
Klaus Pichler Fear Guards the Lemon Grove Fw: Books -BOOK
Andres Kurg, Mari Laanemets Forecast and Fantasy: Architecture without Borders, 1960s-1980s Lugemik & Hordaland Kunstsenter -BOOK
Anna Puschel Encyclopedia of the Uncertain The Eriskay Connection -BOOK
Noemi Biasetton, Silvio Lorusso Superstorm: Design and Politics in the Age of Information Onomatopee -BOOK
Kent Klich Gaza Works Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walther Konig -BOOK
Kyklada Urban Lament - Collective Expressions of Pain, Rage, and Affection Kyklada -BOOK
Joy Gregory Shining Lights: Black Women Photographers in 1980s–90s Britain Mack Books -BOOK
Barry Phillips In Search of Tito's Punks : On the Road in a Country That No Longer Exists Intellect Books -BOOK
Hugo Palmarola, Eden Medina, Pedro Alonso How to Design a Revolution: The Chilean Road to Design Lars Muller Publishers -BOOK
V/A Indigenous Histories Masp -BOOK
Bobby Seale Power to the People: The World of the Black Panthers Abrams -BOOK
Felipe Vaz Fundamentos: Textos Passados, Imagens Presentes Do Inferno -FANZINE
Anne Koenig, Jan Wenzel The End of the World As We Know It - F/Stop Festival for Photography Leipzig 2016 Spector Books -BOOK
Nikolaus Hirsch Style Congo: Heritage & Heresy Spector Books -BOOK
Lara Baladi/Irene Chabr/Lynn Hershmann Leeson/Thomas Hirschhorn/Randa Maroufi/Rabih Mroué/Thomas Ruff/D. H. Saur/Arthena Affect Me Social Media Images in Art. KAI 10 Spector Books -BOOK
Ian Lynam The Failed Painter Or: Unchained by Material Anxiety Set Margins -BOOK
Kevin Yuen Kit Lo Design Against Design Cause and consequence of a dissident graphic practice Set Margins -BOOK
Natasha Ginwala, Gal Kirn, Niloufar Tajeri Nights of the Dispossessed – Riots Unbound Columbia Books On Architecture And The City -BOOK
Jennifer Lynn Kelly Invited to Witness : Solidarity Tourism across Occupied Palestine Duke University Press -BOOK
Kimberly Juanita Brown Mortevivum : Photography and the Politics of the Visual Mit Press -BOOK
Sven Spieker Art as Demonstration : A Revolutionary Recasting of Knowledge Mit Press -BOOK
Eduardo Cadava and Sara Nadal-Melsio Politically Red Mit Press -BOOK
Chris Steele-Perkins Brixton 1973–1975 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
Markéta Luskačová Chiswick Women’s Aid 1976–77 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
Pogus Caesar Handsworth Riots 1985 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
David Hoffman East End Protest 1973–1994 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
Brenda Prince Women & The Miners’ Strike Nottinghamshire 1984–85 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
Format Photographers Women, Work and Equality 1975–95 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
Format Photographers Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp 1982–85 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
Amelie Troubridge Nation of Islam UK 1989–2018 Cafe Royal Books -FANZINE
Paul Koudounaris Memento Mori : The Dead Among Us Thames & Hudson Ltd -BOOK
Robbert & Frank Guns Ape Art Paper -BOOK
Al Hayya Magazine Issue 3: Everything is on the table Al Hayya Magazine -MAGAZINE
V/A Women in Revolt! : Art and Activism in the UK 1970–90 Tate Publishing -BOOK
Ericka Huggins Comrade Sisters : Women of the Black Panther Party Acc Art Books -BOOK
David J. Getsy Queer Whitechapel Gallery -BOOK
J.C. Cirlot Dictionary of Symbols Routledge -BOOK
Genesis P-Orridge, Tim Mohr Nonbinary : A Memoir Abrams Press -BOOK
Kerry O'Brien, William Robin On Minimalism : Documenting a Musical Movement University Of California Press -BOOK
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