Sam Knee The bag I'm in Book
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Voodoo Child The End Of Everything LP – CD Trophy Records
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Sister Irene O'Connor Fire Of God's Love Alba House Communications -LP
Melissa Bremmer, Emiel Heijnen, Folkert Haanstra Wicked Arts Education: Designing Creative Programmes Valiz -BOOK
Leticia Costelha Sobre Brincadeiras de Infância Ed. Autor -BOOK
Ultra-red A Journal of Militant Sound Inquiry – Vol. 1 – Naming the Moment Rab Rab Press -BOOK
Bruno Munari Square, Circle, Triangle Princeton Architectural Press -BOOK
Hélice Pickpocket Hélice -CARDS
Gabriela Burkhalter The Playground Project Park Books -BOOK
MartÃn Bollati Texto Nazi (La trilogÃa del mal #1) Sed Editorial -BOOK
V/A Prends Le Temps D'écouter - Musique D'expression Libre Dans Les Classes Freinet / Tape Music, Soun Born Bad Records -LP
Elvira Leite Quem te ensinou? - Ninguém Pierrot Le Fou -BOOK
Domitilla Dardi Playgrounding, the Playground as a Symbolic Form of Society and Design Culture Corraini Edizioni -BOOK
Ion de Andrade, Tomislav Dushanov, Nicole Miescher, Lars Mu ller Mae Luiza: Building Optimism Lars Muller Publishers -BOOK
Joana Gama Arcueil Miasoave -BOOK+CD
Joana Gama As Arvores Não Têm Pernas Para Andar Bruaa -BOOK
Jude Rodgers The Sound Of Being Human (Hardcover) White Rabbit -BOOK
Wiktoria Furrer / Carla Gabrà / Nastasia Louveau / Maria Ordóñez / Artur Żmijewski How to Teach Art? Diaphanes -BOOK
Valerio Borgonuovo and Silvia Franceschini Global Tools – When Education Coincides with Life – 1973–1975 Nero -BOOK
Danah Abdulla Designerly ways of knowing: a working inventory of things a designer should know Set Margins -BOOK
Frido Troost An Educational Archive of 2863 Slides Art Paper Editions -BOOK
Koyo Kouoh Breathing Out of School—RAW Académie / Respirer hors école—RAW Académie Raw Material Company; Motto Books -BOOK
Attila Bujdoso Social Design Cookbook - Recipes For Social Cooperation Kitchen Budapest -BOOK
Bruno Munari The Tactile Workshops Corraini Edizioni -BOOK
Annelys de Vet Design Dedication: Adaptive Mentalities In Design Education Valiz -BOOK
Ella Jenkins Play Your Instrument And Make A Pretty Sound Folkways Records -LP
Marie Preston Inventer L'ecole, Penser La Co-Création (2º Ed.) Tombolo Presses -BOOK
Angelo Plessas Experimental Education Protocol III Nero Editions -BOOK
Dirk Vis Research For People Who (Think They) Would Rather Create Onomatopee -BOOK
Juha Varto The Sins Of The Fathers Aalto University -BOOK
Colectivos Plaka Post-Nostalgic Knowings Galeria Municipal Do Porto -BOOK
V/A Fórum Do Futuro - Vita Nova Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite -BOOK
Bill Balaskas and Carolina Rito Institution as Praxis – New Curatorial Directions for Collaborative Research Sternberg Press -BOOK
Nina Paim, Emilia Bergmark Taking a Line For a Walk Spector Books -BOOK
I. Ouwens ; F. Camuti ; B. Stevens Ed No School Manifesto - A Movement Of Creative Education Valiz -BOOK
Brad Haylock and Luke Wood One And Many Mirrors: Perspectives On Graphic Design Education Occasional Papers -BOOK
Various Speech After Removal Of The Larynx Fantome Phonographique -LP
Daphne Oram & Vera Gray Listen Move And Dance Fantome Phonographique -LP
Gert Biesta Letting Art Teach. Art Education 'after' Joseph Beuys Artez Press -BOOK
Vince Guaraldi It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown: Music from the Soundtrack Craft Recordings -LP
Mariqosa #2 - Suffled Stories (English version) Mariqosa -CARTAS
Gita Wolf, Sirish Rao, Indrapramit Roy Oedipus the King Tara Books -BOOK
Arthur Flowers, Manu Chitrakar, Guglielmo Rossi I See The Promised Land Tara Books -BOOK
Ramesh Hengadi, Shantaram Dhape, Gita Wolf DO! Tara Books -BOOK
Ella Jenkins You'll Sing A Song And I'll Sing A Song Smithsonian Folkways -LP
Ella Jenkins Ella Jenkins And A Union Of Friends Pulling Together Smithsonian Folkways -LP
Suni Paz Canciones Para El Recreo (Children's Songs for the Playground) Folkways Records -LP
Gundella The Hour Of The Witch Modern Harmonic -LP
Raymond Scott Soothing Sounds For Baby Vol. 1-3 Music On Vinyl -3LP
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